It’s been quite the summer

Well summer is pretty much over and I am about to start my last year of grad school at Roosevelt! It’s been an absolutely amazing summer with all the things that have happened. Starting at Fresh Inc, winning the Kleinman Competition, and touring with both Ursa Ensemble and Trio Disquiet, I can safely say it has been on of the most productive and funnest summers I have ever had in my musical career. Truthfully, I would not trade it for anything else.

This upcoming school year I will continue to update on my projects as I work with Ursa Ensemble, as well as Disquiet Ensemble (the expanded version of Trio Disquiet). Along with that I am continuing my Teaching Assistantship and have been going in everyday this week to help out with the Freshmen Bootcamp theory training session (We dubbed it that).

The first big project I can talk about for this upcoming year involves the 20+ new music ensemble at DePaul University. I am very excited to say that my piece Petite Counterpoint has been programmed by the ensemble for their first fall performance on Oct. 15! I will update as the date comes nearer.

Finally, enjoy this silly photo taken of me at Fresh Inc.

Thank you for the support!


(Photo by SnoStudios photography)